I finally took a step and followed a sort of dream of mine, which was to visit Colorado. Luckily I have an amazing friend in Kylee who agreed to house me for the length of my stay in Boulder, Co. The flight was the best time in the air that I can remember within the past 10 years. I upgraded my ticket to FIRST CLASS and it was well worth it in so many ways! Plenty of room, drink service and actual food that was resturant quality. Below I included 2 of the things that made the flight even more smooth(My friend Jack, his buddy coke and their cousin Amos)
Upon reaching the airport in Denver, I had to locate the baggage claim and then take a journey into the world of "skyRide" which would take me from Denver to Boulder somehow, even though I had NO CLUE where I was going. Wondering in circles like a lost soul, I finally just started asking people where they thought the bus for Boulder was and I stumbled upon Bob. Bob's 2nd question he asked me while waiting for the bus was "do you smoke up?" ha, I knew this would be an interesting conversation. He was real laid back and even told me the stop I would need to get off at once we reached Boulder in 70minutes time. The bus was packed like a can of sardines, which promptly led Bob and myself to talking to Meerna, hope spelling is close. We got some insights on anthropology as well as a cool conversation about tattoo's.
After finding out Kylee had to work later than I expected, Bob invited me to come chill with him and his roommies at their pad. So here I am on a bus I THINK is taking me to the right place and about to go hang out with "Bob" from Baltimore who is a 5 1/2 year senior at CU. As soon as we got off the bus his buddy "Bry" picked us up in his Subaru wagon. Bry was a pretty cool laid back guy from Denver but had family in Asheville actually. We stopped by the local spot for good brews, grabbed a 6-pack and headed to their crib. Typical college party house, with speaker wires running all around, profane notes to each other on the fridge, a party room with blacklight beer pong, and a jacuzzi out back, this place would have been MONEY back in college!!!
Kylee eventually got off of work and picked me up at the party pad. Bry gave me a pretty cool new website www.sadsteve.com which I really like. 2 new bands to check out are "Pepper" and "slightly stupid" are on my list now. Kylee and I stopped by her freezing condo which was set at 50 degree's!!! Afterwards we stopped in at the Pearl Street mall which was awesome! Ton's people walking around and christmas lights up everywhere around this unique outdoor mall that i loved.
We stopped into "Powell's candy shop" where Kylee worked, it is pretty cool, looks like something off of a movie. There I met her manager and friend Bonnie who went out with us after she left work. We met up with Kylee's friend Mark at "Walnut Brewery" I believe and had some drinks and a kick A$$ spicy spinach dip that Bonnie went to town on ha-ha.
All in all it was a great day/night in Boulder. I got some pretty cool picks to show for it. The mountains are pretty awesome, the people are much more laid back and open it seems for sure. Ahh just before we went for a couple drinks, some guy came up to me shook my hand for 2 minutes and kept asking "where are you from?" and "are you going to kick some A$$?". He kept rambling on and I figured the best thing to do was play stupid so he would just eventually leave. Wow! Welcome to Boulder!!! I even saw a guy dressed as santa claus with a lighted thong on who was getting whipped on the side walk by random people, these are memories you just can't forget hahaha.
The Title of this entry was called "Subaru Heaven" because I think about 80% of the people out here drive them!
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